One of those sweet friends had a baby this year and we reprised our roles except this time I got to help in the making and Natalia got the quilt!!

These are the blocks I added.

Once again, Candy hand dyed some fun fabrics and we used a (scaled down) pattern from Amy's book. Amy E. and I pieced the top, Rita appliqued his name on and Vicki quilted and bound it!
It was so fun to see the evolution of the quilt as the others shared their progress.
Amy was able to hand deliver to Natalia last week so we finally get to share our parts in the process!
I don't have pictures of the finished quilt, but if you visit the links below, you can see it's progress and final destination!!
I love making handmade gifts for new moms. And I love working on them with friends. The collaboration is almost as fun as reaching the finished product! Plus then I don't have the pressure of finishing something from start to finish! I need to work on that.
The links below will take you right to the post about this quilt:
Candy - Candied Fabrics
Amy E. - Amy's Creative Side
Rita - Mochi Studios
Vicki - Sew Inspired
Natalia - Piece N Quilt
3 crafty mcCrafters commented:
I love the perspective on that second photo!
What a special quilt!
So many loving hands
who made it. :0)
how fun. i absolutely LOVE the colors!
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