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I'm guest posting over at my friend's place, Aunt Spicy, if you want to go read some more randomness!
I did finish the LOVE quilt last week, but I'm working on a dust ruffle and stuff, so I thought it would be fun to show it all together, when it's curso de adobe illustrator finished. Plus, I got an amazing baby quilt in the mail and I just had to show off its gorgeous craftsmanship! And when I say craftsmanship, I mean it!
I had a very good mail day last Friday. Monica of Happy Zombie sent me a panel of her Gnoma Clauses -ADORABLE!! I got some fabric for my quilting bee and one of my finished blocks back (I'll be showing those soon.) But there was a mystery package in there from one of my blogging friends who owns a quilting business. I thought, huh? What is she sending me?
Then I opened up the package. There was a small quilt inside - I could see it had my two favorite blues and greens in it!

I debated whether or not to crop this down, but then I decided I liked the sneak peak at some of my other projects.
I was thinking, "Wow! Natalia is so nice to make this for the baby! And I only met her in real life last January! Aren't my blogging friends the best?"
And then I read the card. And started to tear up. The card was signed by 5 of my dear blogging friends. They had all worked together using each of their unique talents to put this together for me.
Candy, of Candied Fabrics, dyed the beautiful fabrics. (She dyes all of the fabric she sews with. A real artist!)
Vicki, of Sew Inspired, made half the blocks and pieced the back. (Amazing sewing, all around. Quilts, garments, you name it, she does it well!)
Rita, of Mochi Studios, did the adorable applique. (She makes awesome plushies!)
Amy, of Amy's Creative Side, pieced half the blocks and the quilt top. (You know her well - founder of the Blogger's Quilt Festival and soon to be published author!)
Natalia, of Piece N Quilt, quilted and bound it! (Moda Bakeshop member, longarm quilter and designer extraordinaire!)
If you click on each of the links above it will take you to a post they've written about their piece in this lovely cherished quilt! The cool thing too is that the colors really blend well with the Amy Butler quilt! Smart, smart girls. They heard a rumor (or read it on my blog) somewhere that I love aqua and lime!
I'm pretty sure Maggie loves it already too. She liked hanging out on it for the photoshoot today!

and another one for good measure.

I know I've said this before - I love our little world here! And thanks again ladies for such a thoughtful gift.
“The greatest gift is a portion of thyself.”
-Ralph Waldo Emerson
Remember that. The time you take to do/make something for someone else is more valuable than any gift you could purchase.
Now for the gift of motivation. . .
What sewing project did you finish this week?
Please refer to the sew & tell page if you have any questions or wonder why your link may have been deleted.
1. Link to your specific post about a sewing related finish you had THIS week.
2. Please mention sew& tell in your post and link back to this post (link or button) so everyone can join in.
3. Pat each other on the backs in the comments!
3. Pat each other on the backs in the comments!
23 crafty mcCrafters commented:
What a beautiful quilt and beautiful story! Bloggerville has the best people :o) Thanks for sharing. Happy Sewing! :o)
Isn't that quilt just the nicest thing! You would never know that different people had pieced different parts of it. I love all of the colors, and it's so cool how many different people helped out, it wouldn't be that much work to make a whole quilt when that many people all chip in a little bit of their time! What a nice finish. I can't wait to see the baby quilt! And, Maggie looks super cute too, she's getting big so fast!
How sweet! And your delicious little girl looks pretty adorable, too. (I liked the peek at your projects, too.)
How awesome! I read about this on Candie's blog this morning (I love her fabrics.)
Look how big Maggie is already. Adorable:)
Awww, you made me puddle up! What a sweet story to go with that quilt! Just imagine little Maggie telling her kids that story years from now.... She looks sweet as punch in your pictures, too - how in the world can you put her down to find time to quilt? ;-)
What a beautiful quilt made by such caring and generous friends! Maggie looks so content. She's a cutie!
such a pretty quilt and what a gorgeous baby! she is a gem!
We loved making it for you! I'm so glad that you and Maggie love it, she's getting so big, and even more adorable; if that's even possible! xoxo
I loved the cheerful colors and design of the quilt, but admire it even more knowing its story. I know you cherish it! And thanks for the sneak peak of other delicious things!
Your little girl just gets cuter and cuter!
It was really fun to make it, even more fun that is was a surprise! :)
Thanks for writing such a sweet post Amy, I didn't think it was a big deal but something about reading your post brought tears to my eyes.
Last but not least Maggie is darling! I love all of her dark hair!
What a lovely quilt - your baby is such a cutie.
That quilt is gorgeous! Thanks for hosting the linky party :)
Oh, she is adorable! She's growing awfully fast - look what an awesome Mom you are! I'm so glad you like it, we had so much fun making it for you!
Such a thoughtful and meaningful gift! It turned out beautiful for your sweet little girl!
And I have to say - I'm loving these thumbnails for linking up our posts! So cool!
The quilt is gorgeous and Maggie is really adorable. Blog friends are really good friends.
Baby girl and her quilt are just GORGEOUS ! I saw this on Amy's and Natalia's blogs and had to check it out here ! What WONDERFUL friends you have !
I love the new thing where you can see little pics at the bottom of who has linked up. So cool!
I'm so happy to see the quilt all finished and your baby looks adorable on it! I had a blast working with Candy, Amy E, Natalia, and Rita on this!
LOVE this! Just love it. I went and read each of those posts, and now I love it even more!
What a special gift. Such a gift of love! :o) And thank you, for making Fridays so much fun! I always look forward to seeing what other ladies have created and meeting new people. :o)
I hope you are having a real nice weekend.
Sincerely ~ Tricia
What a special quilt! I loved reading all of the posts about it.
gosh Amy, what a sweet and thoughtful gift! you definitely are blessed in the friend arena! and Miss Maggie is sooooo cute! I just want to squeeze those cheeks!
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